5 Things I’ve Come To Realize While Addicted To Facebook

2013. augusztus 29. 21:31

Research suggests internet addicts have 10-20% smaller brain areas responsible for speech, memory control, emotion, sensory and other information.

2013. augusztus 29. 21:31
Natalie Thomas
Thought Catalog

1. It distracts me.

The obvious one. Distraction; such a wicked, devastating monster. We only live once and I’ve spent a fuck-load of that life on the book. Achieving something meaningful in life is so much harder when the hold of instant gratification looms in the distance (first tab open no doubt). It will probably take me five times as long to finish this article because of it. Oh, and how that little red balloon validates and allows me to feel there is no wrong leaving a work document, or at least an interesting read, to see what someone wants. Quick release of dopamine ensures that this addiction will only cycle and grow. I find it hard to fathom that little red balloon releases the same chemical high as sex or drugs. Literally. Easier and cheaper, I must say, though possibly more demanding. And attention span? Who has those any more? Now days if you haven’t got a form of autism enforcing a degree of focus, good-luck getting anything done.

2. It makes me less intelligent.

Not only because I spent the time I could have used to read something happening in the world that actually matters, but slowly, chronically it kills brain cells. I hate that I know what YOLO stands for but would likely fail a test on grammar… (and be totally be forgiven). Research suggests internet addicts have 10-20% smaller brain areas responsible for speech, memory control, emotion, sensory and other information. Although the study was apparent of countless confounding factors, I tend to agree. ‘Cause that’s my brain and how it works (or doesn’t work) now.”

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