Figyelmeztetett a szenátor: titokzatos drónok repkednek New Jersey felett
Egyelőre nincs bizonyíték arra, hogy a bejelentett drónészlelések nemzetbiztonsági vagy közbiztonsági fenyegetést jelentenének.
President Obama’s recent statement on gay marriage has again thrust his religious views onto the front pages. In defending his position, Obama stressed that he and his wife were „practicing Christians” and that his stance was supported by Christ’s teaching of the Golden Rule.
„Since his quest to win the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois in 2004, Barack Obama’s faith has provoked controversy. In that campaign, his Republican rival Alan Keyes—a black Catholic—accused Obama of stressing his faith only »when it’s convenient to get votes«. When faith must be followed, explained, and serve as a basis for policies, Keyes protested, Obama pled the »separation of church and state« — a concept that was neither constitutional nor scriptural. »Christ would not vote for Barack Obama«, Keyes asserted, because his behavior was so contrary to that of Christ’s.