The flawed Western response

2011. február 03. 15:48

The Western response to the crisis in Egypt reflects a deep sense of embarrassment, lack of sensibility and a policy that doesn’t make any sense.

2011. február 03. 15:48

„Concern for regional stability and for vital interests does not mean ignoring legitimate grievances and legitimate calls for freedom and political reform. They should be addressed, yet with great care and wisdom, surely without rushing to take such bold steps where caution is far more appropriate. Given the Egyptian inherent political instability, a wiser approach would have necessitated a better response quite from the outset. But now it is too late.

Obama and Cameron both lived to their campaign promises for a »change«, impressively proving how they can swiftly change their attitude: now appeasing the masses at the expense of an old and reliable ally. Amazingly, the two leaders had failed to see the clear difference between expressing support in much needed political reform and bluntly kicking their friend at his most sensitive spot.

Nothing can change the damage already caused to the credibility of West, particularly of the UK and the US. Now, it is time to think of the future: how to stabilise the situation on the ground, prevent more violence and bloodshed, and how to contain the crisis and prevent it from spilling over to further countries in the region. In so doing, decision makers should be reminded of the exasperating lessons learned from previous episodes of calls for political reform that brought anything but stability, such as the take over of Hamas in Gaza and of the Islamist revolution in Iran. Leaders and advisers must think beyond the familiar naiveté and remind themselves of the true meaning of democracy: it is about much more than a free vote.”

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2011. február 03. 19:55
"Nothing can change the damage already caused to the credibility of West" Ez azért nem igaz, mert "credibility of the West" sohasem létezett.
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