Why Russia No Longer Fears the West

2014. március 02. 18:02

Russia thinks the West is no longer a crusading alliance. Russia thinks the West is now all about the money.

2014. március 02. 18:02
Ben Judah

All this has made Putin confident, very confident – confident that European elites are more concerned about making money than standing up to him. The evidence is there. After Russia’s strike force reached the outskirts of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, in 2008, there were statements and bluster, but not a squeak about Russia’s billions. After Russia’s opposition were thrown into show trials, there were concerned letters from the European Union, but again silence about Russia’s billions.

The Kremlin thinks it knows Europe’s dirty secret now. The Kremlin thinks it has the European establishment down to a tee. The grim men who run Putin’s Russia see them like latter-day Soviet politicians. Back in the 1980s, the USSR talked about international Marxism but no longer believed it. Brussels today, Russia believes, talks about human rights but no longer believes in it. Europe is really run by an elite with the morality of the hedge fund: Make money at all costs and move it offshore.

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Senye Péter
2014. március 03. 09:57
Amit most Oroszország csinál az csak a 'Drang nach Balkan' első lépése, céljuk a hegemóniájuk megteremtése a Földközi tenger keleti medencéjében, Izraellel szövetségben vagy az ellen.
2014. március 02. 22:35
Mindenesetre a nyugat bármikor bevetheti fegyverként azoknak az eltitkolt vagyonoknak a zárolását amiket az orosz politikusok és oligarchák eldugtak nyugati adóparadicsomokban.
2014. március 02. 19:24
Jó neve van a pasasnak!
2014. március 02. 19:24
That's right! EU became a dirty, corrupt Ltd.
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