Mass Surveillance or just Big Data?

2013. július 29. 12:38

Mass data retention is a central element in mass surveillance. It needs to stop.

2013. július 29. 12:38
Kirsty Hughes

„Mass data collection on all our digital communications challenges our rights to freedom of speech and privacy, and more broadly puts at risk our democracy – how can governments be held accountable, if journalists’ sources are no longer anonymous or campaign groups are fully monitored?

The huge overreach by the US and UK governments in deliberately collecting up our data around the world has set up the framework and data for mass surveillance. It’s a core part of monitoring us all. If we are to stop it, then we have to stop the reckless hoovering up of our data (to an extent that puts companies in the shade) and return to a more proportionate and targeted approach.

Mass data retention is a central element in mass surveillance. It needs to stop.”

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