
2012. február 14. 16:54

Trying to forget my Feelings of hate.

2012. február 14. 16:54

Nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

Beating on your face
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

For all my life i'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you
You'll make me sick again

Feelings, oh oh feelings
Of hate on my mind

Feelings like I never liked you
Feelings like I want to kill you
Live in my heart

Feelings like I wanna deck you
Feelings like I've gotta get you
Out of my life

Feelings, oh oh feelings
The hate's in my eyes

Feelings, oh oh feelings
You're not very nice

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2012. február 14. 19:30
Céilídh Cowboy By Shane MacGowan I am a céilídh cowboy I'm a stranger in this town You should hear your women squeal with joy When I get their knickers down I'll dance them and romance them Til they're nearly out of breath Then when I taken them out for air I'll fuck them half to death Been sitting on a fridge close to the edge Running out of coke and dying for a poke Don't lock up your wives and daughters Don't lock up your cats and dogs I came down here with my feet all bare And I sleep in a hollow log Yippee I oh Yippee I ay Yodle odle ee Yodle odle ay Yodle odle odle ay My name is Father Emmett I've been banished from my home Cos all the women loved me and I always had the bone I could play the concertina, guitar, bouzouki and cittern When I dance the Siege of Ennis The floor beneath me starts to burn For a jar or two just get me through I'll do a turn for you ... and absolve you too I'll take care of your missus All night long the whole night through While you jump on that young one over there That's making eyes at you
2012. február 14. 19:25
Sex Pistols: Friggin' in the riggin' It was on the good ship Venus By Christ, ya shoulda seen us The figurehead was a whore in bed And the mast, a mammoth penis The captain of this lugger He was a dirty bugger He wasn't fit to shovel shit From one place to another Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' There was fuck all else to do Captain's name was Morgan By Christ, he was a gorgon Ten times a day he'd stop and play With his fuckin' organ The first mate's name was Cooper By Christ he was a trooper. He jerked and jerked until he worked Himself into a stupor Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' There was fuck all else to do The second mate was Andy By Christ, he had a dandy Till they crushed his cock on a jagged rock For cumming in the brandy The cabin boy was Flipper He was a fuckin' nigger He stuffed his ass with broken glass And circumcised the skipper Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' There was fuck all else to do Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' There was fuck all else to do The Captain's wife was Mabel To fuck she was not able So the dirty shits, they nailed her tits Across the barroom table The Captain had a daughter Who fell in deep sea water And by her squeals we knew the eels Had found 'er sexual quarters Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' Friggin' in the riggin' There was fuck all else to do
2012. február 14. 19:16
BJM - Love Honey, if I show you how you're free... Baby, I want to open your eyes and let you see all around you love it surrounds you If I could be you yeah, if you want me to split myself in two surround you on both sides of you all around you yeah, could surround you Could you see me up in the pale high? Show you that you got two wings if you use 'em don't you know that you could fly all around in the sky, up and down, inside Love... love love (chorus) I love... love love (chorus) Honey, if I tell you would you keep it to yourself? Maybe if I make you do it show you all the how to do it once you find out you won't have no doubt How I love... love love (chorus) How I love... love love (chorus)
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