Family focus of new-look Sun on Sunday

2012. február 26. 16:35

This looks like a paper which has a largely female readership in its sights. Though, as you would expect from the Sun, there is plenty of sport as well.

2012. február 26. 16:35
Nick Higham
BBC News

In the accompanying photographs Ms Holden looks radiant – remarkably so for one who came so close to death.

There is an interview with a beaming Gary Oldman, news that Amy Winehouse's ex, Blake Fielder-Civil, is to work as a drugs counsellor and a picture of David Beckham giving his youngest a piggy-back.

War widow Christina Schmid tells the paper she had had a second miscarriage just before her husband, the bomb disposal expert Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid, was killed in Afghanistan.

And Liverpool star Luis Suarez's granny, tracked down in Uruguay by the Sun's chief feature writer, tells the paper it is her fault her grandson's been banned for calling Manchester United defender Patrice Evra »negrito« - she used to call little Luis by the affectionate pet name, »Mi negrito«.

With columnists including ex-page three model Katie Price, Nancy dell'Oglio and Heston Blumenthal, this looks like a paper which has a largely female readership in its sights.

Though, as you would expect from the Sun, there is plenty of sport as well, including a 28-page football pull-out and a back page which cannot make up its mind whether Harry Redknapp and the England manager's job or Andre Villas-Boas' troubled tenure at Chelsea is the better story.

It is an altogether gentler, but also less exciting read than the News of the World, and there are no remarkable News of the World-style scoops.

Is that because there was too little time before launch to find any?

Or because reserving first-rate exclusives until Sunday in a seven-day newspaper is a good deal more difficult than in a standalone operation?”

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