Hungary’s Constitutional Revolution

2011. december 20. 09:41

Though Fidesz was democratically elected and has accomplished this program through constitutional change, Hungary is not a constitutional democracy.

2011. december 20. 09:41
Kim Lane Scheppele
New York Times

„The new constitution makes huge swaths of public policy changeable only by a two-thirds vote of any subsequent parliament. From here on, all tax and fiscal policy must be decided by a two-thirds supermajority. Even the precise boundaries of electoral districts cannot be changed by simple majority vote, but only by a two-third supermajority. If a new government gets a mere majority, policies instituted during the Fidesz government cannot be changed.

The long arm of the current Fidesz government can grab and shake any foreseeable future government through the officials they are now putting into place. The new constitutional order extends the terms of office for the public prosecutor (9 years), the head of the state audit office (12 years), the head of the national judicial office (9 years), the head of the media board (9 years), the head of the budget council (6 years) and more. Each of these positions has been filled with Fidesz party loyalists who will be able to conduct public investigations, intimidate the media, press criminal charges and continue to pack the courts long after the government’s current term is over. Moreover, unless there is a two-thirds vote to replace these new office holders, they can stay in office until such a two-thirds vote can be achieved, which could extend these long terms of office even further. (...)

The only parties that might replace Fidesz in the current Hungarian landscape are the Socialist Party or, in a real nightmare scenario, the far-right Jobbik. Under laws that preceded Fidesz’s election last year, political parties that are anti-constitutional may be banned. Some have suggested that Fidesz could eliminate Jobbik in this way. In fact, Europe probably would not mind if Jobbik were excluded from public life because other European countries can ban extremist parties also. But what about Fidesz’s primary competition – the Socialists?

According to a proposed constitutional amendment, the crimes of the former communist party will be listed in the constitution and the statute of limitations for prosecuting crimes committed during the communist period will be lifted. The former communist party is branded a criminal organization and the current opposition Socialist Party is designated as their legal successor. It is still unclear, legally speaking, what this amendment means. But it is probably not good for the major opposition party.

The Fidesz government has accomplished this constitutional revolution by legal means after a democratic election. But though Fidesz was democratically elected and has accomplished this program through constitutional change, Hungary is not a constitutional democracy. Instead Hungary is, as Paul Krugman said, sliding into authoritarianism.”

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2011. december 28. 11:23
" The former communist party is branded a criminal organization and the current opposition Socialist Party is designated as their legal successor. It is still unclear, legally speaking, what this amendment means..." That is the ultimo ratio of your incompetence in Hungarian (and overall Eastern European) situation. You are unaware of existence of a criminal organization called Communist or Socialist which had illegally ruled over entire Eastern Europe over 45 years from Moscow. It is so simple... Only you stupid policy makers in the West are not able, or do not want to understand that... Since 1990 these criminals call themselves socialists...And you support them - shame on you, "democrats"! "The only parties that might replace Fidesz in the current Hungarian landscape are the Socialist Party or, in a real nightmare scenario, the far-right Jobbik... But what about Fidesz’s primary competition – the Socialists?" I have bad news for you, comrades, and be ready for " nightmare scenario": Jobbik is gonna win next election which will be much better option for us... Fidesz’s primary competition – the Jobbiks, and Fidesz knows it... Most reforms carried out by Fidesz so far have targeted the Jobbik. Fortunately, you stupid political experts in the West do not know that and Jobbik slowly but steadily is gaining momentum in popularity...
2011. december 23. 13:21
I always like to read about self-made Hungary-experts who know better the Hungarians than they know themselves.... especially when your sources to understand a situation are immigrants who ran away for a reason.
Charlie Chan
2011. december 22. 13:48
Why bother with a person who does not care for facts? 6 and 9-year appointments were not invented by Fidesz, political appointments in the political sphere are political, and Simor is not a "Fidesz loyalist", as she claims, in connection with the "new" budget council, which was established by her beloved Bajnai, on insistence of the IMF. This is largely hate speech based on the fact that we elected a government she does not like, but she has no guts to admit this. Checks and balances gone on eth very same day the Constitutional Court strikes down the "draconian" media law that forces self-censorship in Hungary? Bulshhit after bullshit.
Corporate Soldier
2011. december 21. 20:34
Scheggele baby, Though you, remotely, look like a woman, you are nothing but a bitch. Mind your own business - you know, Guantanamo, the FED and the Israel lobby, to name a few. Once you have covered all of these, you do your studying on Europe and Hungary, ask some questions like a good student, and then we will listen.
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