Why Angela Merkel needs to say yes to a eurobond

2011. december 01. 13:35

If she does not understand this then, like her southern European counterparts, she may end up being a victim of this crisis too.

2011. december 01. 13:35
James Barty

„I think the rest of the Eurozone has got the message. We have new governments committed to austerity and reform in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. It is now time for Germany and Chancellor Merkel to step up to the plate and bring yields back down for all of the eurozone – not just Germany. With almost no growth in any of the southern european countries, they simply cannot afford to issue debt with near 7 per cent yields. To do so in the long run would bankrupt them for sure.

The eurobond idea is the most attractive to me because it only allows a cross euro guarantee for debts up to 60 per cent of GDP. Anything above that has to be issued without a guarantee. So for a country like Italy, where its debt to GDP ratio is 120 per cent, only half of the debt is covered. There is therefore still a strong incentive to bring debt down as non guaranteed Italian bonds would cost a lot more to issue.

If Germany agreed to this (perhaps in exchange for a strengthening of the stability pact) it would signal its commitment to the euro and almost certainly calm markets. The ECB might still have to stabilise markets in the short run but it would not have to print unlimited amounts of money, as the Germans currently fear. If Chancellor Merkel fails to meet the challenge then Germany potentially faces as much of economic disaster as the rest of the Eurozone. If she does not understand this then, like her southern European counterparts, she may end up being a victim of this crisis too. After all, the opposition SPD in Germany already supports the eurobond.”

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2011. december 01. 14:13
Mar megint valaki, aki jobban tudja. Az utolso 5 mondatbol negy felteteles modban van. Merkel gyenge, nem fogja (nem is akarja nagyon) megmenteni az EU-t amikor a nemet nepnek tartozik felelosseggel es bar ezerrel gondolkozik a lehetseges megoldasokrol, de nem egy financra fog hallgatni. "James Barty is Senior Consultant on Financial Policy to Policy Exchange, but writes here in a personal capacity." Keretik vegre eszrevenni, hogy itt az EU teljesen szetesett, semelyik vezetoje sincs dontesi helyzetben es ez total megalazo. Na meg egy hozzaszolo is leveri rajta: "No doubt she feels vindicated by the fact that 40% of the German bond auction didn't find buyers. Bond investors are not fools - they realize quite well that all this talk of Eurobonds, severally guarranteed by all Eurozone governments is nothing but the socialisation of debt and the loss of Germany as THE safe haven in Europe."
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