Orban to Wen: your business welcome

2011. június 28. 11:51

The agreements could make Hungary the preferred gateway for Chinese goods to central and eastern Europe, and create thousands of jobs. At least that is the Magyars’ hope.

2011. június 28. 11:51
Eddy Kester

„Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, and Wen Jiabao appeared the best of long-time friends after the Chinese premier’s visit to Budapest this weekend. Orban waxed lyrical about the warm relationship and possibilities for cooperation between the two countries, and beamed with pride as a dozen agreements were initialled by various parties in the two countries’ delegations.  

On the surface Orban has reason to. The agreements could make Hungary the preferred gateway for Chinese goods to central and eastern Europe, and create thousands of jobs. At least that is the Magyars’ hope. (...)

As for setting up in China, for now, all the talk is of the opportunities there; few in Hungary seem to have considered the implications or negative experiences of some foreign investors.

That includes the media (much of which is pro-government these days) which has largely fallen for the official line regarding Wen’s visit. But will it boost Orban’s popularity, which has been flagging of late? ”

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