Why is China Harassing Reporters?

2011. március 08. 15:08

Chasing down journalists is a classic tell, the facial tic of a system under pressure.

2011. március 08. 15:08

„First, some perspective: none of this harassment compares to the fate befalling China’s own activists. China’s foreign minister said today that there is no such issue as Chinese police officers beating foreign journalists, a statement that doesn’t look good next to this video of a BBC reporter and cameraman being manhandled.

So, what gives? Why does a country usually so sensitive about its image—so quick to mention when other countries have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people—go after the people with the cameras? Because domestic security trumps all. Chinese authorities have concluded in recent years that any kind of bad press or damaged diplomatic ties can be repaired with time—while domestic stability, as they perceive it, cannot.

But this kind of old-fashioned bullying does more than just undo China’s worthwhile efforts to project a friendly international image. The differences between China and Egypt are meaningful, but they seem less significant every time someone gets a knock at the door. Chasing down journalists is a classic tell, the facial tic of a system under pressure.”

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