The Multicultural Cult

2010. október 19. 11:38

Multiculturalism is not just a recognition that different groups have different cultures.

2010. október 19. 11:38
„Multiculturalism is not just a recognition that different groups have different cultures. We all knew that, long before multiculturalism became a cult that has spawned mindless rhapsodies about »diversity«, without a speck of evidence to substantiate its supposed benefits.

In Germany, as in other countries in Europe, welcoming millions of foreign workers who insist on remaining foreign has created problems so obvious that only the intelligentsia could fail to see them. It takes a high IQ to evade the obvious.

»We kidded ourselves for a while,« Chancellor Merkel said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could »live side-by-side« and »enjoy each other« has »failed, utterly failed.«

This is not a lesson for Germany alone. In countries around the world, and over the centuries, peoples with jarring differences in language, cultures and values have been a major problem and, too often, sources of major disasters for the societies in which they co-exist.

Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.

Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.”
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2010. október 19. 20:54
All thanks to a so-called science (in reality a religion if anything), that we know as sociology. It's time to say the obvious, and not to let ourselves be fooled by the smoke and mirrors of statistics and scientific balderdash that thousands of pseudo-maoists madmen will start spewing at us.
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