„Kenyától Egyiptomon át Szlovákiáig” számos civil szervezet fejezi ki csütörtökön szolidaritását a magyar civil szervezetekkel, miközben Lázár János a Norvég Támogatási Alap képviselőivel találkozik Brüsszelben – írja a TASZ. A szervezetek tiltakozását a #SpeakUpForHungary hashtaggel lehet követni a közösségi hálózatokon. A tiltakozók szerint „bármilyen hatósági nyomásgyakorlás elfogadhatatlan és országhatárokon átnyúló nemzetközi visszhangra is talál”.
A szolidaritási akcióban résztvevő nemzetközi szervezetek listája:
ALEG: Association for Gender Liberty and Equality (Romania)
American Civil Liberties Union (US)
Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women of RM – ESE (Macedonia)
ASTRA Federation for Women and Family Planning / ASTRA Secretariat (Poland/CEE-region)
Avocat à la Cour
Bill Walsh (human rights lawyer and participant of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable)
Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (Bulgaria)
Central and Eastern European Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health (ASTRA)
Centre for Philanthropy
Centre Women and Modern World (Azerbaijan)
Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane - Formazione Professionale (Italy)
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
European Foundation Centre
European Schoolhead Association
European Women's Lobby
EWL: European Women’s Lobby
Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (Lithuania)
FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights / Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme)
GERT: Gender Education, Research and Technologies (Bulgaria)
Global Voices Online
GONG (Croatia)
Government Accountability Project (US)
HERA: Association for Health Education and Research (Macedonia)
Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania)
Human Rights Watch
ILGA Europe
Iniciatíva inakost' (Slovakia LGBT)
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
Carpathian Foundation (Slovakia)
Kenya Human Rights Commission
Latvia's Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (Latvia)
Liberty (UK)
Ljubljana Pride (Slovenia)
MEDEL (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés)
Nadacia Ekopolis (Slovakia)
ngo.pl (Poland)
Open Data Albania
Open Knowledge Foundation
Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres - PpDM (Portugal)
Poderopedia (Chile)
Prague Pride (Czech Republic)
Public Concern at work (UK)
Queer Leaders Forum (Slovakia LGBT)
Real People Real Vision (Georgia)
Right International Spain
Society Without Violence (Armenia)
Sunlight Foundation (US)
The International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
Transparency International Croatia
Transparency International Germany
Transparency International Greece
Transparency International Latvia
Transparency International Secretariat
Transparency International Slovenia
Transparency International UK
Transparency International Portugal
Transparency International Finland
Union Women Center (Georgia)
VAWE Network: Women Against Violence Europe
Whistleblowing International Network
Women's Rights Center (Armenia)
Zagreb Pride (Croatia)