"So, after walking to the Heroes Square and realizing that spending all day in puddles in very unwaterproof shoes in 36° F weather would result in painful, bone-chillingly cold toes, we decided to spend our day inside instead.
Smart move, us (pat myself on the back).
And where did we go, you ask? Only the best museum in Budapest and one of the best I’ve ever been to: Terror Haza.
A very brief background: Hungary hasn’t always been the luckiest when it comes to world politics, and was more recently subjugated under two regimes (the fascists under the Nazis and then communism via the Soviets).
This building, at Andrássy út 60 in Budapest, housed the headquarters of both, and when the last regime ended in with the dissolution of the Soviet bloc in 1989, this building with its history and memory still remained.
In 2000 it was decided that instead of holding normal functions at Andrássy út 60 and trying to forget the past, the building would instead be transformed into a museum and a memorial for all the victims who were ever hurt through the two regimes.
And quite the powerful memorial it is."