Hungary needs political and economic change

2014. február 02. 16:10

The Orbán government has overseen relative decline in regional terms, with Poland, Slovakia, the Baltic states and Romania all outperforming Hungary in terms of economic growth.

2014. február 02. 16:10
Mesterházy Attila
Mesterházy Attila

Meanwhile, in Hungary the budgetary outlays for higher education have declined by 40 per cent in real terms, and concomitantly the number of students admitted into higher education has dropped by one third. Brutal, ill-considered cuts enacted without consultation in the education system have both undermined student educational achievements, and forced tens of thousands of talented Magyar youth to study abroad.

Even more worrying – and far reaching – the Orban government has misused its parliamentary super-majority to eliminate the system of checks and balances that exist in all genuine democracies to serve as the safeguard for the rule of law.

Hundreds of laws – brimming with mistakes and contradictions – have been hurriedly adopted without the slightest attempt at public or professional consultation, while simultaneously the Constitutional Court has been prevented from reviewing the majority of the new statutes.

The resulting legal uncertainty and unpredictability has undermined business confidence – indeed it has affected all aspects of day-to-day living.

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2014. február 03. 06:50
Don't be Stupid!
2014. február 03. 02:37
ez a bazi mióta beszél angolul,még nem hallottam
2014. február 03. 02:25
Mesterhazy....Yeah-yeah! And let's not forget which political parties and which politicians brought Hungary to state bankruptcy in 2008! Can anyone forget how the left sold off all state assets for pennies, or how they made us a second grade EU colony? Mesterhazy's text, which is a word for word repetition of different authors and in articulal of the infamous "Tavares Report", posted on the Financial Times, was obviously a pre-prepared item, Mesterhazy doesn't dispose the qualities necessary for such ideas, nor has the language skills to do so. The only remarkable thing about this pre elections anti Hungarian propaganda is the relentless manner with which the left smears the character of Hungarians, always with the active assistance of the specialised hungarophobe western media. The only things where socialists and their tale, the liberals excelled in Hungary was the creation of assisted masses of the poor, the disposessed and the illiterate, the brain washed proletariat, the hopeless unemployed. One can only wonder about the real intentions and motives of the Financial Times, for this is just another attack of many on the Hungarian center-right government.
2014. február 02. 22:54
O.k. And what you need, Aty?
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