Politicians, not media drives public opinion about climate change

2012. február 22. 19:38

Instead of pointing fingers at the media for their lack of coverage, fingers should be deflected towards public officials for their lack of attention.

2012. február 22. 19:38
Public Affairs Journalism

„According to an analysis derived from eight years of polling data, public officials possess more influence on climate change concern than the media.

Other than the daily weather forecast, news about the climate and the threat of climate change rarely reach the viewer’s lap or television. The media is often the blame for the lack of attention the rapid change in climate receives. Even when the topic of climate is brought up in newsrooms, most media stations today are pressured to employ the opinions of contrarians.
I’m sorry, but before news stations begin entertaining the arguments of climate change deniers, their scientific credibility should also equal that of climate control activists. But I guess disregarding the contrarian’s opinions will only anger the fossil fuel industry, which by the way funds many media companies through
advertising revenue.

Instead of pointing fingers at the media for their lack of coverage, fingers should be deflected towards public officials for their lack of attention since studies show they have the most power in eliciting public concern about the climate crisis.”

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