Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s political daredevil, will be judged by results

2012. január 06. 13:53

Orbán is the only politician in Hungary – no matter how much he is hated by his enemies – who has genuine popularity.

2012. január 06. 13:53
Tibor Fischer
The Telegraph

„One reason why the opposition is squawking so loudly about the end of democracy (ironic coming from former members of the Communist dictatorship) and slinging the mud so freely is that they have no other option open to them; not only do they have a negligible presence in parliament, they are making no inroads in to Orbán’s popularity. Despite nearly two years of harsh budgetary measures, Orbán and Fidesz are not only ahead in the opinion polls, they are way ahead. Orbán is the only politician in Hungary – no matter how much he is hated by his enemies – who has genuine popularity.

Certainly, Hungary has a wealth of problems, economic and social, but few are down to Orbán, who was elected in April 2010. What he has done, with characteristic vigour, is to push through an abundance of legislation without hugely caring what people think. He is openly at odds with the EU and the IMF on several, mostly financial, issues which is perhaps imprudent, but there’s nothing undemocratic about this position, nor can the EU seriously claim to have a unique genius in money matters.

While having a methodical, Germanic outlook in many ways, there’s a streak of the daredevil, the gambler in Orbán. Like a football manager with an unexpected formation or team, it’s about the results. If Orbán pulls Hungary out of its hole, he’ll be the greatest Hungarian politician for 150 years; if not, he’ll find himself back in the crowd.”

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Corporate Soldier
2012. január 06. 20:25
Thanks, Tibor. The voice of reason, at last. I'm just worried that yours remains a lone voice in the mass of hysterical battle cries.
2012. január 06. 20:24
Ez se lesz index főcím, ellenben SA SZDSZ2.0 vezér bármilyen böfögésével ill. fingásával.
2012. január 06. 19:55
Korrekt, elfogulatlan írás. Bár több olyan ember is ragadna tollat, ill. klaviatúrát, mint Fischer Tibor! Mert nincsenek kevesebben, söt megkockáztatom, többen vannak, mint a hisztériázó liberálbolsevikok.
2012. január 06. 18:40
Mi történt fiúk? Hogyhogy most nem zsidóztok?
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