Depression and Democracy

2011. december 12. 09:35

In at least one nation, Hungary, democratic institutions are being undermined as we speak.

2011. december 12. 09:35
Paul Krugman
New York Times

„In at least one nation, Hungary, democratic institutions are being undermined as we speak. One of Hungary’s major parties, Jobbik, is a nightmare out of the 1930s: it’s anti-Roma (Gypsy), it’s anti-Semitic, and it even had a paramilitary arm. But the immediate threat comes from Fidesz, the governing center-right party.

Fidesz won an overwhelming Parliamentary majority last year, at least partly for economic reasons; Hungary isn’t on the euro, but it suffered severely because of large-scale borrowing in foreign currencies and also, to be frank, thanks to mismanagement and corruption on the part of the then-governing left-liberal parties. Now Fidesz, which rammed through a new Constitution last spring on a party-line vote, seems bent on establishing a permanent hold on power.

The details are complex. Kim Lane Scheppele, who is the director of Princeton’s Law and Public Affairs program — and has been following the Hungarian situation closely — tells me that Fidesz is relying on overlapping measures to suppress opposition. A proposed election law creates gerrymandered districts designed to make it almost impossible for other parties to form a government; judicial independence has been compromised, and the courts packed with party loyalists; state-run media have been converted into party organs, and there’s a crackdown on independent media; and a proposed constitutional addendum would effectively criminalize the leading leftist party.

Taken together, all this amounts to the re-establishment of authoritarian rule, under a paper-thin veneer of democracy, in the heart of Europe. And it’s a sample of what may happen much more widely if this depression continues.”

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2011. december 14. 09:40
Miért érzi úgy egy közgazdász, hogy mindenáron írnia kell olyan témákról, amikhez nem ért? Aki ilyen ( ) cikkekből tájékozódik Magyarországot illetően, az mondjuk meg is érdemli.
2011. december 13. 14:45
Csatlakozom mirmurhoz és blassioshoz. Nincs különösebb értelme tételesen cáfolni Krugman-t. És még mondják azt, hogy a politikusok hazudnak a legtöbbet... Az újságírók (és "megbízható forrásaik") már régen lekörözték őket! Szombaton a libsik túláradó lelkesedéssel üdvözölték a sarló/kalapácsos moszkvai tüntetőket (való igaz, hogy a fészbukos forradalmárok sokkal többen voltak) és nem féltek a kommunizmus visszatérésétől...Moszkvában százezren tüntethettek gond nélkül (OK, most először hosszú idő óta), Budapesten is, miközben Amerikában egymás után pofozzák ki a bankszektort egy kicsit is fenyegető "elfoglalókat". Persze, ott igazai demokrácia van...
2011. december 13. 13:52
Taken together, Dr. Krugman, you are a liar. None of your propositions go through the test of the neutral observer. Your facts are non-facts, your allegations are libels, and your references are references to Little Green People inhabiting K-B22 -- what they told you about Hungary is not simply a lie but rather qualified slander. I have no idea why exactly you wrote this article but I suspect that money must have played an important role in your decision -- money coming from Mr. Soros or whoever, but ultimately from sources in Hungary interested in denigrating the Fidesz-government -- a government absolutely democratic in all its aspects. The denigrators are all old-KGB people, so congrats, Mr. Krugman, to your attempts to defend the KGB.
2011. december 12. 16:53
még szerencse, hogy az usában minden jól megy és van idejük a mi bajainkkal is törődniük. meg fognak minket menteni! magunktól.
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