Riadót fújtak Brüsszelben: rádöbbentek, hogy nagy a baj, és a magyar ötletbe kezdtek el kapaszkodni
Ráébredtek arra, hogy Európa nehezen tart lépést az Egyesült Államokkal és Kínával.
György Matolcsy, Hungary’s economy minister, wanted a war with the International Monetary Fund, and now he has got one.
„András Simor, the central-bank governor, described the proposed third vice-governor as a »political commissar« and said the new laws were a step on the road to the »final elimination« of the bank’s independence. Government supporters point out that Ferenc Gyurcsany, the former Socialist prime minister, also interfered with the running of the bank and enlarged the monetary council.
Mr Matolcsy, meanwhile, is unbowed. He told Hír TV, a pro-government channel, that the government will continue to push the law through parliament, although he said the opinions of the European Central Bank would be taken into account. There is no reason, he says, to fear for the independence of the central bank. Negotiations will resume in January.
Fidesz allies have now been appointed to the presidency, the State Audit Office, the State Prosecutor, the National Media Authority, the new fiscal council and the new National Courts Authority, among others. Officials say that party backgrounds are irrelevant and that office-holders will exercise their mandates independently. Democracy in Hungary, they claim, is safe.
Opposition politicians, international watchdogs, the EU and the United States disagree. They argue that the government's attempt to limit the independence of the central bank near-completes Fidesz's steady undermining of Hungary's formerly independent institutions and its removal of the checks and balances found in most European democracies.”