„It's no great surprise that folks on the right rushed to trash the vid, which features activist Dorottya Karsay and an assortment of »regular people« singing their dislike of the way things are going in Hungary (complete with English subtitles if you click on the appropriate link above). A Fidesz apparatchik writing under a pseudonym on mandiner summed up the feelings of this side in a »Dear Dorottya" letter that called her and the whole business »unbearably irritating.« What is a bit surprising is that some people we know who you'd think would eat the whole thing up also said they found it irritating, if not unbearably so. Apparently you don't need to be a right-winger to find 5:28 of lip-synching mopey liberals too much.
What is a bit surprising is that some people we know who you'd think would eat the whole thing up also said they found it irritating, if not unbearably so. Apparently you don't need to be a right-winger to find 5:28 of lip-synching mopey liberals too much.”