Egypt's new legitimacy

2011. március 21. 09:52

Egypt's referendum results have set us on the path to rebuild our country on new democratic grounds.

2011. március 21. 09:52

„The popular movement recently witnessed in Egypt has thus produced a number of significant and ongoing results: the first of these is the overthrow of Mubarak and his family. His downfall means that a regime has fallen and the state must be changed. Furthermore, many of the regime's leading figures have also been ousted. These include the group of businessmen associated with it, the policy committee of the National party and the supporters of Gamal Mubarak. It was they who controlled the entire political system for the last 10 years, without facing any noticeable opposition.

The second result is the demise of the political influence of the police. This influence had turned the police force away from providing public security for more than 20 years. Egyptians are well aware that almost all the various departments of state had been penetrated by the police and were subject to them.

The third result is the appearance of a new generation of young people, sweeping like a tidal wave into the heart of the political life of the country. As the political institutions are rebuilt on new democratic foundations, it is a generation whose impact will be evident in the coming months and years.”

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