Hizbullah Ruling From the Shadows

2011. január 26. 15:10

The Hizbullah takeover could not have come at a more delicate moment in the Arab world.

2011. január 26. 15:10

„If Hizbullah weren’t so smart, it wouldn’t be so dangerous. This Shiite militia, created by Iran and backed by Syria, has never had a problem using force, naturally. It has been on the State Department list of terrorist organizations since the 1980s. Its guerrillas fought Israel to a standstill in 2006. Two years later, they took to the streets in Beirut to protect, not least, their business interests. But now that Hezbollah is in a position to govern—a position it got to through constitutional maneuvering—it’s not acting like the overbearing Party of God so much as an éminence grise preferring to rule from the shadows.

Hassan Nasrallah, the black-turbaned mullah who leads Hizbullah with fiery rhetoric and cold political calculation, declared that »the greatest lie is that Hizbullah wants to seize the state and the government.« As if to prove the point, the new prime minister that Hezbollah installed is an urbane, Harvard-educated Sunni billionaire, Najib Miqati. He served as the head of a »consensus« government six years ago and says he’d like to do the same today.

The Hizbullah takeover could not have come at a more delicate moment in the Arab world. The fall of Tunisia’s dictator on Jan. 14 stripped away the sense of invulnerability, even inevitability, that has helped mafia-like regimes hold power throughout North Africa and the Middle East for decades at a time. In the last few days, growing unrest has hit Egypt, Algeria, and Jordan. Suddenly some of Washington’s closest allies in the Arab world are being challenged by their own people. Those leaders are looking shaky, and nobody really knows who or what will replace them.”
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