Feladták az olasz balosok: Orbán olyan jóban van Trumppal, hogy szerintük itt a vég
Kettészakadt Európáról ír a La Repubblica, alig győzik negatív jelzővel.
The Hizbullah takeover could not have come at a more delicate moment in the Arab world.
„If Hizbullah weren’t so smart, it wouldn’t be so dangerous. This Shiite militia, created by Iran and backed by Syria, has never had a problem using force, naturally. It has been on the State Department list of terrorist organizations since the 1980s. Its guerrillas fought Israel to a standstill in 2006. Two years later, they took to the streets in Beirut to protect, not least, their business interests. But now that Hezbollah is in a position to govern—a position it got to through constitutional maneuvering—it’s not acting like the overbearing Party of God so much as an éminence grise preferring to rule from the shadows.