Tips if you want to educate with YouTube

2013. augusztus 24. 13:42

If your education videos only include screen-capture content or slides, then you are at a higher risk of losing viewers.

2013. augusztus 24. 13:42
Michael Stelzner

„As you create your content, you need to keep in mind how to make it engaging. It’s very important to have super-high engagement with your audience.

YouTube not only looks at the comments, likes and shares, but also at how active people are when they watch your video and how long they watch it for. It’s a crucial metric that YouTube looks at to help rank your video.

If your education videos only include screen-capture content or slides, then you are at a higher risk of losing viewers. You need to combine a talking head along with slides and illustrations.

You’ll discover the importance of why you need to show your face in a video.”

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