Fordulat: hamarosan német katonák érkezhetnek Ukrajnába
Boris Pistorius német védelmi miniszter a Süddeutsche Zeitungnak adott interjút.
Look, I live well here in the Brussels but I ‘m telling you, my compatriots in Hungary, they suffer.
„Hungary is a country of 10 million and more than 400,000 children are hungry, they go to bed without eating properly or eating nothing. You know, don’t long for the EU, I’m telling you from experience. Look, I live well here in the Brussels but I‘m telling you, my compatriots in Hungary, they suffer. And you know what do we get from the EU? Every day (and I’m talking about the western press) – »Hungary is anti-Semitic, there is no democracy in Hungary!« And now, today for instance Mr Schulz, who is Chairman of the European Parliament issued a statement calling the Ukrainian authorities not to use force and violence against demonstrators. In Hungry in October 2006 the police shot at the eyes of people, blinded them, used steal batons and other unauthorized means to beat them up, peaceful demonstrators, passers-by. And the same for NATO Secretary General Rasmussen who yesterday issued the similar statement. When I called him I mean his press office this morning and also Mr Schulz this afternoon, they were so nervous that I questioned them – how come this double standard calling for the Ukrainian authorities not to use force and they were silent in 2006 in October when people were demonstrating in Hungary peacefully. So what? Dear Ukrainian friends, don’t come to the EU! You are going to be sorry.”