Why Hungary Matters

2012. március 16. 17:40

We have a nation in the heart of Europe, a member of the EU, a nation that emerged from dictatorship, which is at the very least backsliding on democracy. This is terrible — and terribly important.

2012. március 16. 17:40
Paul Krugman
New York Times

„A quick note here: I’m actually kind of shocked at some of the comments on Kim Lane Scheppele’s latest post here. Not the ones accusing her of lying or getting her facts wrong; that’s part for the course, with my own experience being that the more solidly grounded in evidence I am the more hysterical accusations of dishonesty I get.

No, what shocks me are the complaints that there’s even a post on the subject, asking why bother with Hungary at all.

First of all, if you find the subject of a post boring, here’s a useful productivity hint: don’t read it.

But more than that, Hungary really should matter, both to Europeans — many of whom read this blog — and to Americans.

Look, there are currently two great democratic powers in the world: the US and the EU. The EU is not a state, but it acts as a unit in many ways, and is a powerful force making the world a better place. And the European idea has been a key driver of democracy and peace these past two generations.

So if you believe in democracy and peace, you have a stake in that idea’s success — which is why all of Europe’s current troubles are a tragedy for all of us.

And now we have a nation in the heart of Europe, a member of the EU, a nation that emerged from dictatorship, which is at the very least backsliding on democracy. This is terrible — and terribly important.

If you can’t see this, there’s something very wrong with your priorities.”
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2012. március 18. 12:53
Dear Prof. Krugman, I have had a hard time trying to find your mail adress so that I can express my heartfelt thanks to you as well as Ms. Scheppele for your unselfish work and steadfastness in the face ofall this dirt my fellow citizens are throwing on you.I also appreciate the caring worries that made you publish analyses concerning our democracy - that mades sheding a lot of bod from several wounds. Hopefully these will prove only temporary. Please donot lose heart in this eddeavor for many Hungarian people depend on your moral supportt and anspiration. Please give ne some sign if you received this. w
2012. március 18. 09:06
You'll be damned!
2012. március 17. 22:54
a választópolgárok, szerinted ferit elküldték a pics@ba, de akkor még a választási eredmények ismeretének hiányában nem érzékelted a valóságot, hogy titeket is ugyanoda küldtek, szdsz-estől.....azóta is ott vagytok....szó szerint....
2012. március 17. 12:44
Azt a furfangos tervet nem tudom elképzelni, hogy csak azért hergelik a közhangulatot ellene, hogy majd a népek annál nagyobb arányban, jusztis elfogadják. Riválisnak föltolták vón' Ficót? Én is azt mondom csak, most egy kicsit erősebben talán: Isten, áldd meg a magyart! Kérlek. Nagy szüksége lenne rá.
Jelenleg csak a hozzászólások egy kis részét látja. Hozzászóláshoz és a további kommentek megtekintéséhez lépjen be, vagy regisztráljon!