Partied All Day After Writing Django Unchained

2011. május 04. 12:24

I just wrote a script Tuesday, all right? It's just a script. A piece of paper, a lot of pieces of paper. 366, to be exact.

2011. május 04. 12:24

What Westerns inspired you?

Every Western, no Western. It's its own thing.

Really? Like how so?

I can't tell you.

Did it take much convincing to get Christoph Waltz in it?

I didn't say he was in it.

It has been reported that he's starring in it.

Nobody is in it; I just wrote it Tuesday. I wrote it Tuesday. I'm not even directing it yet! I just wrote a script Tuesday, all right? It's just a script. A piece of paper, a lot of pieces of paper. 366, to be exact.

It has also been reported it's going to start filming soon. Is that a fallacy, too?

I have no idea when it is going to start filming. I'm going to say it one more time: I stopped writing it Tuesday.

I understand. I'm just trying to get my facts straight here.

Well, that's the fact: I finished it Tuesday. I finished Tuesday.

Congratulations on that. So there was like a childlike scrawl on the first page that leaked. Can you tell me a little about that?

You're taking all the cool elements of it and having me put it under a microscope and dissect it. The childlike scrawl is my handwriting. [Laughs.] Why is it that way? Because that's how I write.

All right. We'll move on. Are you excited about any of the summer blockbusters coming out?

I don't even know what the summer blockbusters are. I've been writing.

Thor's a big one.

I'm not excited about them, no.”

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