Azt magyarázzátok el nekem, hogy van az, hogy valakiről minden kikerülő információt meghamisítanak

Ha ezt nem tudjátok elmagyarázni, akkor azt mondjátok meg, hogy miként akadhat olyan nagykorú, cselekvőképes ember, aki mindezt elhiszi.

Democrats start spending money wildly, handing out goodies to a wide range of people who they want to vote for them, while Republicans complain about deficits and the national debt.
„Many elections have confirmed that Santa Claus is more popular than Frank Nitti, surprising as that may be to some people. Republicans are not the only suckers in this game. The voting public's willingness to believe fancy rhetoric and ignore hard facts is a crucial part of this scam.
When the Obama administration said that it could provide health insurance to millions of additional people without increasing the national debt, shouldn't common sense have told you that somebody was just insulting your intelligence? When the two thousand page bill was rushed through Congress too fast for anybody to read it, shouldn't that have made you realize that you were being played for a sucker? When this bill that was passed with lightning speed was scheduled to take effect only after the 2012 election, didn't that suggest that they didn't want you to find out how it works in practice in time to turn against Obama when he is up for reelection?
Recent polls show that a lot of people are against ObamaCare. But there are still a lot of other people, though not as many, who are for it. Even more amazingly, there are still Republicans lured by the siren song of "bipartisanship" and apparently unaware of the difference in popularity between Santa Claus and Frank Nitti.”