Elhatároztuk, hogy feltesszük Magyarországot a térképre
Elérjük a célunkat: Magyarország valódi kapcsolódási ponttá, kereskedelmi- és elosztóközponttá válik Európában!
Governments from Hungary to Bulgaria that once clamored to join the euro club are putting plans on hold and reassessing the costs and benefits of something that used to seem inevitable.
„A critical new effort to shore up the euro zone is under way this week. European leaders at a Brussels summit that starts Thursday are expected to consider a French-German proposal for all EU states, whether they use the euro or not, to accept tighter restrictions on national budgets and debt. If such a change to the treaty that governs the EU seems out of reach, a fallback plan calls for greater enforcement of fiscal discipline among the 17 nations that use the euro as well as any non-euro nations that want to sign up.