Orbán tényleg tárgyalt Sukoróról

2010. augusztus 10. 15:05

Valóban találkozott Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a sukorói kaszinóberuházás egyik megálmodójával, Ronald S. Lauderrel. A befektető kezdeményezte a találkozót, mert kíváncsi volt, miért ellenzi olyan hevesen a beruházást a Fidesz.

2010. augusztus 10. 15:05

A Népszava kedden azt írta: még Fidesz-elnökként, de már kormányzásra készülve Orbán Viktor is egyeztetett szűk körben a sukorói beruházásban érdekelt Estée Lauder fiával, Ronalddal. Havasi Bertalan, a kormányfő sajtóstábjának vezetője a Népszava kérdésére azonban csak annyit mondott, hogy „ilyen találkozóról nincs tudomása”.

A Hírszerzőnek azonban már megerősítette az információt, miszerint találkozott Orbán és Lauder. Arról azonban, hogy erre mikor került sor, miről volt szó és miben állapodtak meg, nem adott választ. Hozzátette ugyanakkor, hogy Orbán „rendszeresen találkozik külföldi befektetőkkel, korábban például arab, indiai, kínai üzletemberekkel is tárgyalt már, mindig a magyar gazdaság érdekeit szem előtt tartva. Ezen találkozók sorába illeszkedett az említett megbeszélés is”.

A Népszava információi szerint egyébként Lauder kezdeményezte a találkozót, mert kíváncsi volt, miért ellenzi olyan hevesen a beruházást a Fidesz.

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2010. augusztus 15. 11:23
Bocs azért a pocsék beillesztésért, vagy 12 példányban nyomta rá ez a shit Google Chrome a másolt szöveget: a lényeg, hogy én EZT írtam Ronald S. Laudernek....:))
2010. augusztus 15. 11:23
Bocs azért a pocsék beillesztésért, vagy 12 példányban nyomta rá ez a shit Google Chrome a másolt szöveget: a lényeg, hogy én EZT írtam Ronald S. Laudernek....:))
2010. augusztus 11. 14:35
Kurva életbe: EZ A BEILLESZÉS SZARUL MEGY a Google Chrome-mal! Átmék Firefoxba....
2010. augusztus 11. 14:30
Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Mr. Lauder, you are a criminal person in the Carpathian-basin, birth-county of your direct ancestors, and WE, the Hungarian Nation, GIVE A CHANCE YOU to go: GET OUT from the HUNGARIAN HEGEMONY-SPHERE, the Carpathian-basin!!!! Look: Ephraim ZUROFF made a cime against a honourable hungarian old man, Zuroff made a "false criminal accusation", and the magyar Highest Prosecutor's Department ORDERED against Zuroff a WARRANT OF ARREST! And you,you are a great swindler in Hungary, you are a dehonesting an degradeting JEW CONSPIRATOR!!!! Get out from the TURANIC MAGYAR NATION'S HOMELAND!!!!
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