Why Sziget could be Europe’s best festival

2012. augusztus 16. 14:51

The festival boasts a great bill and is magnetic pull for more than 60 different nationalities with a few thousand brits already making the trip. Here’s a top 10 reasons why it’s so good…

2012. augusztus 16. 14:51
John Robb
Louder than war

„1. The weather

Of course this is a bit unfair. Afterall climate can be unpredictable and Sziget has had its rare muddy ones but in general it’s very pleasant. It’s sunny. And warm all night. This makes people very relaxed and a party atmosphere is inevitable. There are no gritted teeth- having a good time survivors- crawling out of their tents talking about ‘festival spirit’ just people having stood time. All night. And not wearing pastil rain gear like frozen garden gnomes.

2. The line up

This is a festival that understands eclectic. From metal to gypsy folk to dance to hip indie it’s all here. Tapping into the modern notion of the ‘iPod generation’ Sziget gets it when it comes to people broader tastes. With the Internet you can now hear everything so why not see it as well. There is more music in the world that hipster, white boy, indie and it’s reflected brilliantly here over nearly 50 different stages.

3. The location

An island in the middle of the Danube is a pretty cool spot for a festival, perfect in fact. It creates the sense that you are in your own world, lost in festival madness and that’s a good thing. Stumbling back to reality never seemed so strange after days lost in the fields and forests of Sziget. It’s also a couple of miles from Budapest one of the most beautiful cities in Europe so you can overload on culture on your day off.

4. The Gypsy music

Sziget has about 50 stages dotted around the island. This is a good thing. It means an insane diversity of music. One minute you can be watching the Horrors on the main stage and the next swerving the pop bombast of the Killers by getting lost in the Roma tent watching a Romanian gypsy band that gets the whole room dancing to a folk music that sounds as timeless as most pop music sounds trapped in the moment.
This is no dour worthwhile music, this is an alive and sexy hoe down of accordions and fiddles and songs that ooze fertility and life and cause dancing that swerves from men stamping on the floor to seductive hip twitching from the women.”

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