Here’s What the McCain Really Discussed with Orbán

2014. február 04. 09:23

So, there will be international observers in Hungary. My personal view is that the observer mission should be of the most robust kind.

2014. február 04. 09:23
Kumin Ferenc

United States Senator John McCain was in Budapest last Friday leading a seven-member delegation from the U.S. Congress on a brief stopover en route to the Munich Security Conference.

Reading a prepared statement on behalf of the bi-partisan delegation, Senator McCain mentioned the upcoming elections, saying, “there is no better way for the world to witness and affirm the expression of [Hungarian] democracy than by having respected, objective international groups present to observe the vote.”

And that’s exactly what we aim to have: objective, international observers. Just like we had in 2010, and the elections before that. It’s the standard course. And for this election in the spring, the OSCE — the international organization that sends observers to all its member countries, including to the U.S. to observe elections – has already had a fact-finding mission to Hungary and deliberations are now underway to decide what shape that observer mission will take. Again, contrary to what some will say, that’s all part of the standard process.

So, there will be international observers in Hungary. My personal view is that the observer mission should be of the most robust kind. They’ll see a great “expression of democracy” at our April elections.

As for the rest of it, you’ve probably heard about the statement (available here). It’s been all over the Hungarian media, evoking a strong response from both left and right. When a figure like John McCain speaks, people tend to take notice, but it would be unwise to make something sensational out of the statement where it’s simply not. I’ll tell you why.

Aside from the press conference, the delegation had a private meeting with Prime Minister Orbán and discussed a wide range of issues. They talked about some current Hungarian matters like the 1944 monument – which Congressman Deutch mentioned in the press conference, saying that the prime minister’s response was reassuring – but the talk was not preoccupied with Hungarian democracy.

What did they really talk about? Little of it revolved around those supposed “concerns” about Hungary, but instead they spent much of the meeting talking about real issues like current events in Ukraine.

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2015. november 10. 01:01
No surprise there. It was all about Ukraine. They could not care less about us (except Monsanto, probably still pissed at our non-GMO rules:).
2014. december 04. 06:50
Perhaps the time has come for Hungary to seriously consider alternative foreign policy options. Like it or not, there is a force at work to create ever increasing amounts of conflicts between East and West. Each issue is increasingly bloody: Syria, now Ukraine, continued atrocities against Palestinians, Iraqis and Egyptians. The series of mutual challenges amongst the overwhelmingly nuclear oriented armies of USA, Russia, China is bound to fly out of control, the tens of thousands of warheads will, one day, find their way to (or near to) the targets they are intended for. Hungary has no national interest in the current or foreseeable conflicts. We are not against anyone. We would like our minorities living in foreign countries to be treated justly, and we are willing to follow peaceful and legal means to achieve this. We have no interest in supporting any group in their continued and uninterrupted drive to achieve world domination. We would like to live in peace, and hope that others would also. It is time to leave NATO. It is time to leave the EU. These guys are headed toward nuclear conflict, and we want no part of that.
2014. február 13. 13:50
Secnir, Secnir, you might need to recognize that the McCain delegation has nothing to do with the OSCE observers whatsoever. LOL.
2014. február 13. 13:50
Ferenc, Ferenc, you think when OSCE send international observers to a country, and make a special awareness (send a senator) to strengthen it - it's a standard process? LOL
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