„Sarokba szorított patkányok!” – így fakadt ki az ukrán újoncokra egy toborzó
Nem egyszerű a vágóhídra küldeni embereket – erről beszélt Artem, a toborzótiszt a The Telegraph című lapnak, aki pontosan tudja, mennyire gyűlölik az emberek.
Class is a problem for the Conservative Party and always has been.
„Class is a problem for the Conservative Party and always has been. It suffered electoral disadvantage in the 19th century for being seen to be a class-based party. Disraeli tried to rectify this by urging Earl Russell to have a Reform Act in 1867 that enfranchised many working-class men: the old charlatan told Russell, and other nervous Tories, that these men would show their gratitude by voting Conservative at the next election. They promptly elected Mr Gladstone, and not least because they did not trust the Conservative Party to be anything but class-based. It was only by promising to emulate the social reforming ethos of the Liberals that Disraeli took his party back to power in 1874.