Time we stood up to Islamists who would destroy us

2013. május 24. 16:23

Have we been brainwashed by political correctness?

2013. május 24. 16:23
James Delingpole

„Not for the first time I find myself wondering what madness has seized our culture.

Have we been so brainwashed by political correctness that we no longer know how to respond honestly to a crime of near matchless barbarity and evil? For me - and no doubt you too - it couldn't be more clear cut.

What happened to that young soldier on the streets of Woolwich on Wednesday was wrong if you're white; wrong if you're black; wrong if you're Christian; wrong if you're Muslim; so wrong from every conceivable angle that it seems a crime against decency and logic for anyone, however wellintentioned, to try to make excuses for it.

Indeed I'd argue that the people mouthing these inane pieties are Islamic fundamentalism's useful idiots - they make it more, not less, likely that there's going to be another atrocity like this just around the corner. What their attitude shows is that we as a society don't have the gumption to tackle this problem head on.”

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Necoure Yamakee
2013. május 25. 09:31
Yes, you have. Eu was developed to manage the white genocidum in the name of democracy and freedom.
2013. május 24. 22:19
Hat igen ez van, ha minden EU-n kivüli jöttmentet beengednek. Persze, hogy nagy az EU ellenesség mindenütt. Mert mi értelme is van az EU-nak, ha saját magát sem tudja megvédeni, sem a radikális iszlámistáktól, sem a kvázi rabszolgamunkával előállitott bóvliáruktól.
2013. május 24. 18:25
Nincs pirézbűnözés! Ott se! Jahaaaj, amnesztiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Trafikos kereszteny
2013. május 24. 17:36
Meg kell allitanunk az elmebeteg felcsuti ciganyt, hogy a keleti szeles idiotasaga miatt ellepjek a moszlimok Budapestet is !!!
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