
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Some remarks on the article "The state of democracy in Hungary"

2011. április 05. 19:53

I wonder how the new constitution could ban the gay marriage, since this institution has never been introduced in Hungary.

2011. április 05. 19:53

Dear Mr. Phillips,

I have just read your interesting article about some current issues in Hungary. Let me have some remarks.

You wrote that „The new text, termed the 'Easter Constitution' by its authors to symbolise the 'rebirth' of the Hungarian nation, bans gay marriage and abortion and gives an extra vote to those with children”

I wonder how the new constitution could ban the gay marriage, since this institution has never been introduced in Hungary, so it cannot be banned.

Abortion will also not be banned in Hungary. There has been a discussion about the theme, because Hungary is in a very grave demographic situation, while the number of abortions are quite high. After facing the reality of the Hungarian society the government decided not even to strengthen the rules of abortion - and a ban on abortions was not an issue in Hungary.

After political debates on the issue of giving an extra vote to those with children, this proposal was also rejected.

I wonder how you wrote about all of these issues in a declarative sentence, which gives a completely unfounded view on Hungarian politics for your readers.

On Hejoszalonta: I agree with you that the story of this weekend's local demonstrations was quite depressing. As a journalist I know that it is very hard to compress the complex reality of the Eastern European countrysides' problems. But you didn't mention the starting point of the current Roma-Hungarian conflicts: and it is the incompatible lifestyle of one class of the Roma minority and the majority of the society. Minor theft is an everyday practice by some groups of Roma people, in quite a lot of villages of the poorer regions of Hungary (but I have to underline that I don't use the "Roma crime" term which is also an issue of debates in Hungary). And I didn't mention the regrettable spread of violence - by young people against older ones - in the villages, which has also an ethnic character.

You have to be aware that the current conflicts are not about the innocent minority and the intolerant majority. Everybody has the responsibility to handle the situation. The trouble-maker radical right wing politicians, the politically ultra-correct liberal activists, the law-respecting majority of the Roma people and the journalists, you and me too.

I suggest you to take a bigger look around next time when you cover Hungarian issues. It's not just the older and younger Hungarian liberals who own the key to the truth.

Best regards,
Gellert Rajcsanyi

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2011. április 06. 17:25
The article was wrong in many aspects, true, but it was not of a lesser quality than the coverage of any foreign country's internal policies in the Hungarian media. That's all what journalists are capable of.
2011. április 06. 15:18
ERGÉ, ne izélj már, hát TURÁNIUL SE TUCC, nemhogy ezen a 6 észak-európai nyelvből tákolt primitív szar nyelven....
2011. április 06. 00:47
"Let me have some remarks." Mondjuk make, de nem have. "You wrote that" 'You wrote,' elég. "ban the gay marriage" nem kell a 'the' És nem law-respecting, hanem law-abiding, stb. stb. stb. Ha legközelebb angolul írsz, lektoráltatni kell! Mondjuk Lovas Istvánnal :)))
2011. április 05. 20:46
"I suggest you to take a bigger look around next time when you cover Hungarian issues." Na, azt várhatod, szokásuk nekik az ilyesmi...
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